I came across a newspaper clipping of the ice run as recorded at Boiestown , upstream 8 miles from Wilson’s , from the year 1935 through 1971 . It is interesting to note that the ice left this area of the river before April 15th just 14 times in those 35 years , four of those times in March . Note also the ice did not leave till May 2, 1961 which will be remembered as the great Miramichi flood of 1961 . There was still snow in the woods then came a huge rain resulting in this huge flood . During those years the angling season opened when the ice left the river , which in my opinion is still the most sensible way to do it . Biologiclly speaking it does not matter to the fish , they are heading to the ocean whenever the ice moves out and the water temperature begins to rise , be it March , April or May .