The Cains River Crown reserve Sea-run trout deserve a break and we are hopeing this raise of water will do just that . The high water should scatter the fish around and get them out of harms way ( anglers ). The problem with good fishing reports on sections of river like this is that too many inexperienced , or greedy people hit the river resulting in over fishing and the trout being the losers . I found a beauitiful 20 plus inch trout dead recently and probably as a result of poor handling and release techniques . All anglers should take extra caution when fishing this prestine and delicate resource . Don’t let the excitement of these big trout cloud your judgement by over fishing the pool , you should hook a few fish then rest the pool several hours or move to another pool . There are many good pools along the river so don’t focus on one or two “easy- to- get- to” pools and line up with your friends and fish the poor trout literally to death . Unlike salmon , the trout are actually feeding , so they will take over and over and this of course results in a deadly toll on the fish population. For guys like myself that have seen this river go from good to bad in the late 70’s and now back to healthy again fear that too many anglers with too little experience will do great harm to this delicate run of trout . I urge new anglers to the river to get educated for the sake of the trout , you need to know when enough is enough . And for the experienced but overly agressive angler , use some common sense , give the trout a break now and then . If more dead trout start showing up , DNR will takes steps to eliminate the problem by restricting access , then we all lose .