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Steve W. with the PWC group hooked into this monster on his first ever salmon fishing trip to the Miramichi River . He eventually lost the big salar but needless to say was more than thrilled with his trip . The boys had good fishing , mostly on one of Marcus’s creations , but standard fly patterns are doing the job too . The water is low but the fish are moving , so with the coming rain on the weekend we hope to get just enough water to bump it up a few inches , we don’t need a big raise at this stage in the game . All eyes are on the Cains to see what happens after the rain , based on reports from the lower Cains I think we may be in for some great action in there as well . PS: Expert guide Joe Stewart not only puts his man onto fish , he can also handle a camera . Correction: Steve did in fact land the big fish , and as quoted by Joe , “he done it like a pro “