Jordan , thanks for the reply but my set- up won’t allow you to post pics , attachments etc. Anyway folks here is a picture of Jordans landing gear for salmon and trout , this is a great looking net and most friendly to the fish . I also ran into Andrew ? on the Cains last night , he had a great looking net , basic normal structure but with the heavy rubber web bottom , the fish can lay flat without getting rolled up in it . The long handle is not the best for carrying on your back but a person can usually reach the shore to retrieve the net without putting the fish in harms way , and Andrew had fishing partner who would assist , which most of us do . Thanks to Andrew and friend for offering me and my 13yr.old son first pass through the pool this morning . Sounds strange to say this on June 29th but Garrett and I had to come off after just 2 hours ( 4:30 – 6:30 AM ) on the water because he was too cold . We did not hook up but still no better place on earth to be than watching the sun rise through the fog at 4:30 am .