Long time guest and friend Scott had his work cut out for him with this beauty, at just hair below 40” this lovely salmon was one of Scott’s biggest salmon to date. Like last weeks guests, I have been guiding Scott now for pretty close to 10 years and we have boated a lot of nice fish, we have told many tales and had lots of laughs. This last week really made us work for them however, we managed to get into few fish daily for the most part but when you land a salmon like this one does it really matter how many fish hook… its fun to catch plentiful, but when you have the privilege to get close to a magnificent fish like this, when you understand the journey and everything this salmon went through to find its way back home to the Miramichi……well, it makes you think about the experience, the memories and appreciate the little things. Or in this case the big things
“Hold on, This ones a Smasher”