Well ladies and gentlemen its that time of year, in less than 24 hours the Miramichi will be alive again with folks from all over the world flocking to the Miramichi for the chance scream “Fish ON”. Its been a long busy winter for the crew here at Wilson’s, its been a late spring here in Central New Brunswick. The River has slowly melted out in most places with a bit more ice to come from up river, the water is slowly on the rise with the warmer temperatures and bright sunny skies. We have packed away the snowmobiles and hung the snow shovels up, now we have switched gears. Boats are ready, Guides are ready, gear is all set, time to hear that reel scream. Book your Spring Fishing trip today. Also April 16th the ATV trails officially open up as well, we still have a lot of snow yet to melt but for the most part the main trail is passable with a mix of bare ground and hard ice pack. We hope everyone gets out this weekend and enjoys the nice spring weather, but most important play safe.
Spring Salmon Season Is Here On The Mirmaichi