“We’ve had the honour of hosting “Take it to the Fire” retreats here at Wilson’s since last fall. This program was developed by Mawlugutinej Mental Wellness Team and Bridge to Wellness and offered here at the lodge for people who provide crisis support and help in First Nation communities.
Our family settled here along the Miramichi River over 150 years ago, on unceded, unsurrendered land of the Mi’kmaq. Our family has tried to be good stewards of this land and this river but it’s only been over the last couple of decades that we’ve begun to understand colonization and our families role in this. We keep learning and trying to be better and we are fortunate to have built relationships with First Nations people who are willing to help us learn and have patience with us as we come together to find ways to take care of this river, the salmon, the ecosystem.
Standing on the banks of this river that I grew up loving, listening to an Elder drum and sing, and hear it echo through the valley, is one of the most meaningful things I’ve had the privilege of doing in this job. Thank you to Elder’s Marie Kryszko, Edward Perley, Dalton (Doc) Francis for your kindness and wisdom. Thank you to Shelley Francis and the Mawlugutinej team and my sister Lynsey and the Bridge to Wellness team for trusting us to be the location for this important program. We look forward to hosting you all with the “Take it to the Fire” participants for many years and continuing to build relationship with the First Nations along this river and throughout the province.”