Atlantic salmon fly-fishing conditions for the Miramichi River near McNamee for August 1st . The water is up again and the fishing is good. All the major holding pools have a good number of fish and we are seeing an unusual number of big salmon , some in the thirty pound range . Bombers are working but it is still the green machine w/white tail that is the fly of choice . I had my permit for the Upper Cains for Saturday/Sunday but once again got washed out . This is good news for the sea-run brook trout though , as most of you know they need a break after such a tough 2010 . There does not seem to be many showing in the traditional spots but that is to be expected with all this water . They are scattered all over with tons of food and shelter .This would be the perfect week do do a west coast style drift boat trip on the Cains , just float along casting to every rock and every nice looking pool , big or small .