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Atlantic Salmon fly-fishing conditions on the Miramichi River at McNamee on July 28th . As you can see from this mornings picture , we are once again blessed with the perfect weather . The river is up app 4 inches above normal and it is raining lightly with air temps in the low 20’s . These conditions are exactly what Atlantic salmon love , the fish are spread throughout the system and when the river does warm up they can easily find plenty of cold water to retreat to . One angler landed a beautiful fresh run salmon last night in a pool that is not typical for late July . These are the occasions when a good guide like Joe Stewart can make the difference for you , Joe knew exactly where to cast to in that pool , he said “if there is a fresh fish in this pool , he will be right there , if not we won’t waste our time here ” Most of the fish are getting a little dark now but still very lively . We are not seeing as many fish these last ten days as we did in mid July but again this is a sign that the fish are spread out well up and down the river . The three favorite flys have been the green machine w/white tail , glitter bear and green widow .